Ground yourself with the EARTH

"Remember you are the creator of your universe and in each and every day we have the opportunity to make a difference to our daily lives.”
- Tracie Storey

If we are truly the creators of our own universe, inner and out, what can we do to help activate these roots and our connection with our own support system and foundation?

The stomach and the spleen are associated with the Earth element in the body.

The spleen is a crucial, yet hidden, element of Taoist medicine. The Spleen ensures that every organ functions as it should. If your spleen isn’t functioning properly, your body cannot regulate and maintain its ideal body temperature, so it ages rapidly and keeps getting sick.
The Earth element is also associated with the season of the INDIAN SUMMER. The earth feeds and supports all beings. It creates stability and a firm foundation.

The emotions that are associated with the Stomach and the Spleen are WORRY and ANXIETY, so if you are someone who has problems in the belly or discomfort in this area then this can be a sign that your Earth element is out of balance. The antidote to the worry and anxiety is inviting in COMPASSION (this can be for yourself or others) and embracing TRUST & FAIRNESS. Once we are aware of our tendencies then we can work towards healing or re-addressing the balance.

The late summer or Indian summer is the season associated with the EARTH element, the earth is responsible for providing us with crops that feed and support us. The earth helps us to find stability within the diversity.

We often refer to ‘butterflies in the tummy’ or ‘knots in the stomach’ this is all related to worry and apparently related to a network of neurons and neurotransmitters which reside in the tissue lining of the digestive system, which is also known as the enteric nervous system (Gershon, 1998).

With Qi Gong and certain movements we can direct our attentions to the body's organs and and successively visualise this organ and work with movement, breath and sound to re-balance and cleanse transforming the negative emotional energies into positive ones, or at least make a start on it.

The ancient Daoists have been practising Qi Gong as a way of attempting physical and spiritual immortality.

"I have attended 4 week Qi Gong course with Tracie at Evolve wellness centre. This is my first time experiencing Qi Gong and it was so beneficial for me as a Reiki practitioner. I started using Qi Gong warm up as a preparation for the Reiki treatment, it gives me an instant energy boost. Tracie made it very clear and easy to understand and practice. Would love to follow up in Series II.” - Mariam Zeinalova


If YOU would like to become a ‘Master of your own Body’ - learn how to transform your emotions from the inside out, I’ve designed some online courses to teach you how to work with these key elements. You can either take the whole course or just focus on one module… here


Photo Credit: Snowdonia, North Wales, UK.


Empower yourself with FIRE


What is Qi Gong?