Purify and cleanse with WATER

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

- Albert Camus

Winter is the season associated with the water element. Water retreats to its’ deepest ground and purifies itself during the Winter. The organs connected to the Water element in Chinese Five Element theory are the Bladder and the Kidneys. Water is connected with our emotions and our bodies are made up of around 60% water, which is one reason why we are so influenced by sound and vibration. If you have ever looked into the study of Cymatics, you will see that sound needs a medium to travel through and when we look at the vibration of sound through water we see an amazing array of mandalas and shapes.

The emotions of fear and shock are the negative emotions associated with the Bladder and the Kidney. If we can work the antidote to these emotions by inviting gentleness and kindness into these organs, we can attain some balance and harmony.

How do we know if our Kidneys/Bladder are out of balance. We may find:

  • loss of sexual energy

  • loss of life force

  • nervous system disorder

  • knot in the abdomen area

  • the body becomes acidic

If we really want to energise and nourish the Bladder and the Kidneys we need to look at the 24hr Circadian clock of the organs and see that the Water element is restored during the afternoon during the times of 3pm and 7pm.

The Bladder restores during the time of 3 - 5pm. It’s a good time to work and study and our bladder energy is restored. The Kidney restores during the time of 5 - 7pm it’s supper time a good time to restore the nutrients in the body, build bone marrow and be aware of the powerful cleansing element of water.

The adrenal glands sit on top of the Kidneys they are the home of the stress hormone cortisol. Your health and rejuvenation are equivalent to the condition of theses glands, if your adrenal glands aren’t working properly then your bank account of energy is low. If you are feeling unsafe within yourself or if you have no libido and feeling the joy of people around you, these are signs that your Kidneys and Adrenals need some help. The extreme measure of this is adrenal fatigue and burnout.

Feelings of fear and panic can dominate and if you have difficult being courageous or be decisive then these signs show that we need to take some care to give the adrenal glands a lot of rest and relaxation to recharge and regenerate. If we keep investing in our health and putting currency into our energy bank account, then we are just spending and depleting our reserves and this can result in a burnout.

So let’s take some time to learn how to replenish ourselves, empower ourselves and really find what our inner wisdom is saying to us.


If YOU would like to become a ‘Master of your own Body’ - learn how to transform your emotions from the inside out, I’ve designed some online courses to teach you how to work with these key elements. You can either take the whole course or just focus on one module…..click here


Photo Credit: Floating in the Ocean on SV Grateful.


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